Sierra Skye is my 22 month old little girl. She is one active child and a figure champion in the making. For breakfast she is now eating my egg white and oat scramble, she has mini chicken and vegie burgers i make for her for lunch and she has has grilled salmon which she loves with steamed brocolli and spinach. Now how does that sound for good eating habits. She also likes to have a sip of my Next Generation Mega Pro shake and half my pink grapefruit when I pick her up from the creche at the gym and I can see lots of mums looking at me and I think to myself well my little girl is the only one who has not been sick this winter and she towers over all others her age. So this shows a figure competitors diet is great for kiddies and nutrition habits need to be taught to them from a young age.
Don’t get me wrong everyone she still eats lots of other things and a few treats but these seem to be her favourites. I am sure it is because she sees her mum and dad eating like this so she wants to aswell. Also when Aunty Rae comes to visit we eat this way also.
I hope everyone had a great day and here is a little pic from a few months ago of my budding figure star.