Hello to everyone and I hope you have all had a fantastic day.
I just want to let you all know that my web site has been updated with a transformations page. Here I will be show casing some amazing journeys where women are transforming their bodies from a cellular level and the creation of amazing physiques is just a bi product.
As I believe you must walk the talk and practise what you preach I thought my transformation had better be the first one off the rank followed by one of my amazing clients who is making such amazing changes before my eyes in such a short time I can’t tell you how impressed I am.
I want to give you a little back ground into the images you are going to see because I think they are going to shock a few of you. I tell you they shocked me and it has taken Rae Cattach and Catherine Gallo to assure me they needed to be shown.
My before shots are months after my baby girl Sierra was born. I was having huge amounts of trouble getting my baby weight off like so many women. I tried and tried but kept doing the common thing of saying oh well I can start tomorrow and tomorrow was not happening. So I asked my husband to take some photos of me so I could really see where I was at and to create some pain and see if this would motivate me to get back to my former self. When I looked at these images I did not recognise myself. This is what I needed so on that day I decided to get out of my comfort zone again, set myself some serious goals and put myself in another bodybuilding show.
This was the best thing I could have ever done as it made me focus, it made me passionate and it made me draw on all my knowledge of nutrition and training and develop a regime that would not only rebuild my body to peak condition but be good enough to cut it with the amazing NABBA/WFF figure girls.
I really hope that by sharing these images it makes you all realise you can achieve anything with your body if you nourish it properly first and foremost and be consistent with your plan and know you will eventually get there if you want it bad enough.
The 2nd transformation is just a snippet on what this woman is going to achieve. Catherine has made a huge change in just 1 month. Catherine has increased her nutrient rich calories, incorporated macro nutrients that she had completely dropped out and included Juice Plus to her supplement regime. I designed Catherine’s plan specifically for her and her lifestyle and I am so happy with the results so far. We will see Catherine’s progress here every month so stay tuned.
Get Fit From Within
Michelle xx
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