Hi there everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and you are back into training and eating well this new week.
We have just posted another transformation which is in it’s early stages. I would like to introduce to you all Miss Tank and I am sure most of you all know her already.
Miss Tank is a bodybuilder coming back to the stage after a few years off. I am privileged to be working with her as her energy and work ethic is second to none. The photos you are going to see are from only 10 weeks of a Nazafit off season eating plan. We have only just started our official comp prep now so I am very excited to see what Miss Tank will bring to the stage. We will keep you updated with her progress.
Competition prep for Jehanne and myself is in full swing and we are very happy with the changes we are making already. The remaining Nazafit Figure team is about to step up there comp prep 1st of February and we are very excited to see what condition we can bring all the girls in. We are focusing on the nutrient profile of each eating plan to ensure we continue to get growth whilst leaning down very slowly and to ensure each girl is a living testament of health and vitality. We will show those sceptics out there that this is a healthy sport if done slowly and correctly.
We are very excited to announce that we have the amazing Nicole Pratt preparing all the routines so this will be a treat for the specatators I am sure. Nicole is renowned for her amazing routines and her stage presence will be remembered well by all those who have been lucky enough to see her on stage.
Get Fit From Within
Michelle xx