Changing habits are now selling this amazing probiotic. As with all Cyndi’s products, this is top quality. Please see the newsletter below for the information on this product. To order, please click on the Changing Habits logo at the bottom of this page, click on Shop and then Probiotics.
Living in a modern world can compromise the health of the gut. Many people in modern society have gut problems…
When the gut is healthy and in great working order you are able to digest, absorb and utilize the valuable vitamins and minerals from your healthy food choices.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) completed a study on malnutrition. A key finding of the research indicated two types of malnutrition. Type A – developing countries from lack of food. Type B – western society showing serious nutrient deficiencies compromising health.
Is it the food we eat or the lack of gut bacteria? My answer would be both. Firstly the food and medications we take strip our bowel bacteria and secondly the sterilized and packaged food perpetuates the problem.
Fermented foods are the ultimate in helping improve the gut flora, but these are not always practical or available in a modern, fast paced world. At Changing Habits we value the integrity of the bowel flora as being paramount in order to digest, absorb and utilize the food that we suggest you buy, prepare and consume.
If you don’t have time to prepare or the inclination to make your own fermented foods then Changing Habits has made it easy for you…a food based fermented product called Changing Habits All Natural Probiotics. These are not probiotics made in a laboratory but rather a food that has been fermented by a method trademarked as flora ferm, dried and then made into a powder. This is an extensive, time consuming and costly process and we have tried to keep our costs down as much as possible. One bottle will last a whle!
All the ingredients that have been chosen for the Changing Habits Natural Probiotics are organic and have been chosen for their specific properties, especially their value for the health of the gastrointestinal tract. As a single food each ingredient is nourishing, but put together they become a super food. Better still when they are fermented the availability of the nutrients increases, any anti nutrients are deactivated and digestive enzymes are created, which contributes to the digestion, utilization and absorption of this wonderful food full of probiotics from changing habits.
Ingredients of Changing Habits Natural Probiotics:
Organic Brown Rice – is an excellent source of carbohydrates, insoluble fibre and vitamin E, it is rich in B vitamins, especially thiamine, niacin, folic acid and pyridoxine. Minerals include iron and potassium.
Organic Dried Sweet Potato – this is Cyndi’s favourite vegetable, not only for taste but its versatility and strong nutritional profile. Sweet Potatoes are high in Vitamin C and the B vitamin foliate. It is also high in soluble fibre, the yellow/orange colour is directly related to a good supply of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A.
Organic Quinoa – is an amino acid rich seed brimming in minerals including; manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus. The 9 essential amino acids are present with lysine and tryptophan leading the way.
Organic Molasses – is produced by boiling nutrient rich organic sugar cane juice. It has high concentrations of minerals including iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, selenium and other trace minerals. It also has significant amounts of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Organic Chia Seed – how lucky we are to have this seed available to the world and we wouldn’t do a fermented food without it. It is high in omega 3 (alpha linolenic acid), fibre, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc potassium iron and other trace minerals. It also has the vitamins B1, B2, B3, amino acids and antioxidants. This food soothes the digestive tract, supports heart health and improves immune integrity.
Organic Pumpkin Seeds – contains omega 3 fats and the minerals; zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper and is a good source of protein. It is a food that has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Organic Linseed – is very similar to the chia seed in its values and how it promotes health. It is high in essential fatty acids, great for soothing the bowel when in its ground state and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Organic Ginger – another favourite food of Cyndi’s used everyday in her cooking of food and drink. It is a great source of vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, potassium and most of the B vitamins. In Chinese medicine it is used for abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, rheumatism and arthritis. It also relieves excess gas.
Organic Spirulina- is an algae which is very high in protein and B12 as well as the minerals; iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, there are many vitamins and phytonutritients, in fact it has over 100 nutrients and is known as one of natures complete foods.
Organic Raw Broccoli – contains vitamin B6, C and A, folic acid, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium. It is high in both soluble & insoluble fiber.
Organic Amaranth– is a gluten free Aztec grain, which is high in amino acids, iron, calcium and magnesium. It is a great source of fibre, vitamin B and zinc. It has properties to improve the integrity of the gut.
Organic Alfalfa Seed– is a good source of Vitamin B1, B2, niacin, calcium, iron, and is an excellent source of protein.
The nutritional value of all these foods combined is amazing; add the fermentation and you have a food high in probiotics and digestive enzymes that has the potential to improve the integrity and health of the gut.
The Power of Fermented Foods
The fermentation of foods has been a tradition in many cultures around the world for thousands of generations. In some cultures they still make up to 40% of the daily diet.
The methods for fermentation have been passed on through generations using locally available raw materials from plants and animals. People around the world produce fermented food and drink brimming with micro-organisms, either naturally or by adding a starter culture, such as whey. YES…BUGS CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU!
These micro-organisms transform these raw materials, like milk, vegetables or meat in a biochemical way by changing nutrient content and organoleptically by changing smell, texture and taste. Milk to kefir or yogurt is a perfect example.
Most fermented foods have health promoting benefits. Sadly their global consumption is declining as traditional and culturally significant foods give way to the influences of packaged, sterilized, and refined foods.
Many microbes are beneficial! Our body harbours almost as many microorganisms as cells, in other words, trillions of microbes exist in the body. Micro-organisms live symbiotically (in harmony) with us for health, vitamin production, immunity and digestion so that food can be properly absorbed and thus utilized.
Modern food practices have sterilized many of the foods!
For instance… many food “stabilizers”, also known as manufactured “microbicides” protect the processed food on the supermarket shelves by keeping the food completely sterilized. We then consume these stabilizers”, that in turn destroy valuable gut bacteria.
Traditional foods on the other hand promote and embrace the micro-organisms in order for utilization, colonization of the gut as well as taste and nutritional enhancement. I was at a fermentation workshop recently. To make a starter for bread you mix some wheat, water and whey and leave it out on the kitchen counter so that it can gather as much bacteria from the surrounding air as possible for the starter to ferment to allow the bread to rise without yeast. Many fermented breads are tolerated by wheat intolerant people more than modern day yeast breads.
When I first became a nutritionist, one of the supplements that was given by many natural health care practitioners was “digestive enzymes”. I was only just out of university and had been taught the low fat, high carbohydrate, breakfast cereal routine and I was astounded by how many people needed these digestive enzymes. I began reading about traditional fermented foods (not taught in university) and realised that with the amount of medications, environmental stresses and sterilized foods that people were consuming, there was a real problem with digestion of food. If you don’t digest the food properly you can’t absorb and utilize all the wonderful nutrients they hold.
So…. if you have a partially sterilized gut and you are eating great foods and not getting better or not feeling healthy, then it is time to begin implementing fermented foods into your daily diet such as the natural probiotics.
Medications such as the pill, vaccinations, antibiotics, cortisone and other steroid based preparations, pain killers and anti-inflammatories all contribute to lowered gut flora. Radiation from x-rays, computer screens and microwaves, excessive coffee and tea consumption as well as, phosphoric acid- an anti-bacterial solution added to soft drinks and chlorine and fluoride in our water supply compromise gut flora. Stress, agricultural chemicals and the accumulation of heavy metals also place their toll on gut bacteria. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, aluminum and nickel act as biocides, again affecting gut flora
I’ve been asked what is the strength of the Changing Habits All Natural Probiotics, as with science there always seems to have to be the bigger the better the more the healthier. Most medical strength probiotics have a CFU (colony forming units). There is talk that it should be 10 billion CFU or more per serving. There is also talk that single colonisation is better then multi colonisation, there is even a perfect number for how many different types of bacteria should be in a probiotic!!!
Changing Habits All Natural Probiotics have not been made medically they have been made by fermentation of real food, the traditional way, therefore the CFU, the colony size and variety of bacteria changes with every batch we do. There is no genetically modified bacteria nor patents on our bacteria,this is nature at its best. You not only get a probiotic but you get the enhanced nutrition available as a result of fermenting food. Fermented foods are naturally preserved, therefore changing habits all natural probiotics does not require refrigeration. Simply store it in your pantry!
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