Adding in RAW Components with a Green Juice and a Green Smoothie Breakfast – Green Juice, 2 Juice Plus Fruit Capsules (Nutrient booster,

- Mid Morning – Green Smoothie
- Lunch – Soup
- Mid Afternoon – Green Juice
- Dinner – Soup, 2 Juice Plus Vegetable Capsules (Nutrient booster, no calories)
- Before Bed – Green Smoothie
Lots of water and herbal/green teas
Phase 2 – we are adding in more plant based proteins, legumes, nuts and seeds. Wholefoods are the key to long term success
Kick Start Whole food Soup Recipe –
- 2 Cups water
- 1 x zucchini
- 1 bunches kale, collard greens or other greens (rough stems and centre ribs removed and leaves chopped)
- 1 onions
- 1 Cups fresh mushrooms (shitake, cremini and or white chopped)
- Fresh herbs of choice
- 2 x massel vegetable stock cubes
- 3 tomatoes
- 2 Large cans crushed tomatoes
- 2 cans liquid vegetable stock
- ½ bunch celery, including leaves
- 2 Green Capsium
- ½ kg Carrot
- 2 Cups Green beans
Chop all vegetables into bite size pieces and add to pot. Then add liquids and herbs. Bring to a boil then simmer until vegetables are tender. Do not over cook as we want to retain the nutrient density to the soup
Kick Start Raw Live Food Green Smoothie Recipe
- 1 Cup Berries of choice
- 1 scoop sun warrior Raw Protein Powder
- 1 scoop Mila Chia Seed Blend
- 1 Cup Baby Spinach
- 2 Cup water
Place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. This can be made in advance as the fibre is intact keeping the nutrients bio-available. We recommend using the Ladyship organic Essence Extractor for smoothies, juices and nut milks. For more information and to order please visit
Kick Start Raw Live Food Energiser Juice
- 2 Stalks celery
- ¼ Cup cucumber
- 1 Cup kale
- 2 wedges lemon
- Sprig parsley
- 1 Green apple
- 1 Cup baby spinach
- Liquid stevia
- Water
Using the Ladyship Organic Essence Extractor place the number 1 filter into jug then place all ingredients into jug also. Then turn onto auto and blend for a few seconds then turn the tap on to release smooth fibre free juice. For more information on the Ladyship Organic Essence Extractor or to order please visit